Hello. I’m a copywriter.
I use words to solve problems.
These problems can be practical and immediate, like which words to put on packaging or billboards or advertisements or websites.
They can be grand existential problems like “who are we?” and “how do we go about wiping the floor with our competitors?”.
They can even be day-to-day, run-of-the-mill problems we all face in our working lives, like how to write more clearly and persuasively.
So: if you’ve got a creative problem, I’d like to help you solve it. Get in touch by clicking one of the links below.

BRAVE NEW WORD is a podcast hosted by me and Martin Sayers. We talk about copywriting, creativity and all sorts of other bollocks. Each episode features an AI guest host.
Visit bravenewwordpodcast.com and subscribe there, or find it on your favourite podcast app: